Great stories inspire and shape our future.

At The Strong Mind Project, we use storytelling to spark conversations that foster personal growth, resilience, and a positive life perspective for young minds.

We believe that a well-told story can do just that.

We are a collective of filmmakers, writers, artists, and creators dedicated to using our talents to inspire action, encourage empathy, and share meaningful stories.

Why Storytelling?

From ancient myths to modern novels, tales connect us, teach us, and transform us. They can shape our world in unimaginable ways. Stories offer a universal framework for shared experiences, serving as a common ground where adventure unfolds and the ineffable finds expression.

At the Strong Mind Project, we harness the power of storytelling to encourage a shift in perspective, inviting individuals to view their narrative through both grounded and fantastical lenses. Life's journey leaves us with many questions, but stories provide meaning to mystery. 

Viewing life as a Hero's Journey can have a significant impact on how individuals deal with the difficulties they encounter. This perspective encourages people to view themselves as more competent, both psychologically and behaviorally, when it comes to addressing their problems. This highlights the powerful impact that our life stories have on shaping our perceptions of the past and our approach to the future.

The Hero’s Journey comprises seven key elements, each of which can apply to your life:

  1. Protagonist. This is you, the main character of your life.

  2. Shifts. These are new circumstances that drive your life forward.

  3. Quests. These are goals that you may be working toward.

  4. Allies. These are people that support you on your journey.

  5. Challenges. These include situations or rivals that act as obstacles in the pursuit of your goal.

  6. Transformation. This is the growth you experience in this pursuit.

  7. Legacy. This encompasses how you share the fruits of your journey with others.

The Hero’s Journey

We are intentionally crafting our projects to inspire conversations, aiming for personal growth and resilience.

You are the hero in your own journey.

Making an Impact

The Strong Mind Project collaborates with organizations dedicated to empowering individuals with skills to counter and diminish the impact of adversity, trauma, and mental wounds.

Our Partners:

Prevention Reimagined

Oasis Helps K-12 And Higher Education Institutions Support Student, Faculty, And Staff Wellbeing With Access To Mental Health Professionals And Evidence-Based Content

Embark on the Journey with Us

Feel free to contact us using the form below.